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Welcome to Acutix.comBattery Equalizerchain. Acutix strengthens that chain through the Battery Equalizer. The best electronic gadgetry in the world means nothing, without the right power source. In this portable, wireless world, that power often comes from batteries. Computers, cars, heating systems, industrial plants, stereos all rely on these energy-storage systems to function and perform. Most companies and organizations rely on sophisticated electronic equipment for day-to-day operations. Downtime can mean a loss in revenue, data and customers. Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent annually worldwide, on backup power systems to negate these threats. Organizations depend on battery banks and Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) systems, to keep computers and electronic equipment running. Battery system integrity requires that each cell in a string be charged and maintained as it's condition warrants. The present practice of 'Brute Force' charging and equalizing, highly stresses fully charged cells. Cell voltage regulation circumvents this problem and minimizes cell stress and aging. New!: management system available. #202 1439 17th AVE SE Calgary, AB Canada T2G 1J9 |